Help! Am I using my core correctly?

I’ll admit it, Pilates and Core Training classes can be con-fus-ing! Often there are 3 or 4 things to remember in just one exercise – breathe, move your arms/legs, lift your head, don’t move this, move that more………….. But here...

How to start strengthening your core & pelvic floor

PEOPLE TALK ABOUT ‘THE CORE’ BUT WHERE IS IT? Your Core is essentially your body, without legs, arms or a head! Your trunk is the center of your body, and it houses all of your organs, your spine, your diaphragm and pelvic floor and a whole lot of muscles...

Why does my back feel so stiff?

WHY DOES MY BACK FEEL SO STIFF? Do you remember a time when you never even thought about your back? It was just there and you carried on with your day. Then gradually, or all of a sudden, you are aware of feeling stiff either in the morning or after a stroll around...
Reduce Muscle Tension

Reduce Muscle Tension

It is not a secret that warming up before exercise is crucial to avoid injury, but what small daily tasks can we do to avoid muscle tension? Jamie, the owner and incredible sports therapist from JPF Sports Therapy, gave us his tips! You can access our full chat here....
Sports Therapy: Not Only for Athletes!

Sports Therapy: Not Only for Athletes!

Jamie is a Sports Therapist and I got the chance to have a very open chat with him about what sports therapy involves and how it can help everyone (that’s right – you don’t have to be playing in the Wimbledon to use a Sports Therapist!). Access our...